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Krypton, developped by Squale92 - TCI


Krypton, developped by Squale92 - TCI



This page is here to present you some screenshots.
These ones are quite big... And so, won't be easily accessible for little bandwith connexions ; sorry.


In order to begin, to have an idea of the scenario, or what we could consider as a scenario, here's the scrolling text introducing every new game :
(Naturally, you can bypass it, if you don't we to see it again and again :-))

Texte d'Introduction au jeu


We continue with a walk in the game's screen, to see how a first battle can look like...

Une petite séquence de jeu...


Now, the same thing, further in the game... But you'll meet more powerful ennemies...

Et une autre séquence de jeu...


And here's an ennemy which has a quite special attack
(Thans to Solar Striker's team, from which I've taken this idea)

Un ennemi qui vous donnera parfois du fil à retordre...


Finally, let's buy some weapons, so that the next battle is not the last one !

Une petite visite au magasin, afin d'acheter quelques armes supplémentaires

